How do You Know if You're an Addict

How Can You Know If You’re an Addict?

Addiction can be a problem that someone keeps hidden for a long time. In other cases, people may not realize that someone has an addiction. A person may not know that he or she has an addiction either, which can make them unlikely to seek treatment.

One of the reasons why people struggle to identify if they have an addiction is because they do not understand what an addiction is. Most people also think that it cannot happen to them. To help you determine if you need help, here is the answer to “how do you know if you’re an addict?”

What is Addiction?

Addiction is a disease that makes a person crave an addictive substance. The substance can be something as simple as exercise, or it can be something more harmful like drugs or alcohol. Another common type of addiction is the addiction to food. If you’ve struggled with an addiction in the past, or if you struggle with one now, you have the ability to recognize that you are addicted.

Signs of Addiction

To know if you have an addiction, look for the signs. There are several signs of addiction, such as specific behaviors and medical issues, that show in people with addictions. These include:

  • Can’t resist substances or alcohol
  • Excessive drug use
  • Risky behavior and decisions
  • Increasing the amount of substances used
  • Trouble with daily activities
  • Spending excessive amounts of money on substances
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Drug cravings

You may see one or several of these signs at the same time. If you recognize the signs in your life, then seek professional treatment and support. An addiction assessment can provide further details.

Addiction Assessments

One of the most effective ways to know if you have an addiction is to complete an addiction assessment. There are professional assessments performed at addiction treatment facilities. Self-assessments that you can do at home are also popular. While self-assessments can help you, facilities and treatment programs will have you complete a professional assessment.

During these assessments, the following criteria are assessed:

  • Current medical condition
  • Previous substance use history
  • Treatment history
  • Care needs

Self-Assessments for Addiction

You can perform a self-assessment to determine if you are an addict by asking yourself the following:

  • Do you have cravings for a particular substance, such as food, alcohol, drugs or other substances?
  • Do you feel like you cannot quit using a substance or want to stop because you are aware of the negative impacts of it on your life?
  • Do you feel like you want to control how often or what time you use the substance?
  • Is your substance use affecting your daily life?
  • Is your substance use hurting your health?

Based on the answers to these questions, it may be clear that you need professional help. If that is the case, you can get help from a reputable facility or program that fits your needs. Contact the program or facility of your choice to start the recovery process.

Facility-Based Addiction Assessments

Facility-based addiction assessments are performed in treatment facilities and programs. They are performed by professional addiction specialists. Assessments are performed by trained staff, including psychiatrists, medical professionals, and trained addiction assessment professionals. Treatment facilities require a professional assessment to design your personalized treatment plan.

Signs You Need Professional Addiction Treatment

Some people choose to join an amateur or semi-professional treatment program. These programs may be able to provide some level of benefit. However, if your addiction is in the moderate or severe range, then you may need to seek professional treatment. Professional treatment will provide you with the right care and support for your individual needs.

Professional treatment centers and programs are accountable to the government, and they are held to a high standard of care. This means you can expect better care and higher quality treatment.

Medical Needs Require Professional Treatment

Serious medical issues make it necessary to seek professional help. Even if you have not met the criteria or you have questions about your use, it is still important to seek professional help. You may believe that you do not have an addiction because of your substance use history. You can schedule a free assessment and get answers from a professional who works in the field.

You should also seek professional help if you can:

  • Meet the criteria for addiction, but do not believe that you are an addict
  • Believe that you have an addiction, but do not understand what treatment is
  • Believe that you have a behavioral addiction, such as gambling, but do not understand addiction
  • Know someone who has an addiction but cannot recognize symptoms
  • Thinking of quitting an addiction because you are aware of the negative effects on your life or health

Harmony Health Group offers comprehensive care for those struggling with substance abuse and mental health issues, with state of the art facilities located in Florida, Massachusetts, North Carolina, New Jersey, and Tennessee. Our treatment programs address not only drug and alcohol dependency but also anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. By accepting insurance from major providers like Aetna, Cigna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and United Healthcare, we aim to make our services accessible to many. Additionally, we provide private pay options for those without insurance, so you can discuss the cost of various treatments with us directly.

Our dedicated team is committed to guiding each individual towards lasting recovery through a combination of proven methods and personalized care. At Harmony Health Group, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to rebuild their lives and achieve mental health and wellbeing. Don’t hesitate to reach out and learn more about our diverse treatment options. Your path to a healthier, more fulfilling life starts with taking that first step, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

If you suspect that you might have an addiction, then it is important to talk to a qualified professional as soon as possible. Getting help can fix serious addiction problems with medical detoxification and multiple other programs at Harmony Health Group. The key is taking that first step toward getting the help that you need. To learn more about addiction and your treatment options, contact Harmony Health Group for help