Harmony Health Group Accepts BCBS Insurance for EMDR Therapy

The National Institute of Mental Health reported that 6.8% of adults in the United States will have post-traumatic stress disorder at one point in their life, which can cause varying levels of impairment in functioning. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a structured, evidence-based treatment approach for those living with PTSD, often covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield.

The Harmony Health Group manages several mental health treatment programs and behavioral services on the East Coast that are renowned for providing comprehensive care, tailored to each individual we work with. Specialized treatment options may vary by location, and commonly include dual diagnosis care and medication-assisted treatment. If you have been struggling with PTSD symptoms, or other mental health concerns, we encourage you to contact us by dialing (866) 461-4474 today to speak with an Admission Counselor about our different treatment locations.  

Check Your BCBS EMDR Therapy Coverage Levels with Harmony Health Group

You can check your insurance coverage levels by calling us on: (866) 461-4474

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What is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy, commonly referred to as EMDR, was developed in 1987 as a treatment option for PTSD. EMDR differs from other mental health therapies because it focuses on the trauma, or distressing memory, itself.  By focusing on the memory, you’re changing the way the memory is stored in your brain, which can reduce your experienced symptoms. 

EMDR is a structured therapy that follows a specific format, or outline, to achieve its full benefits. These steps include:

  • History Taking: Time is spent reviewing your full mental health history with the appropriate assessments, and identifying goals for targets for treatment, which can include memories, current triggers, and goals for the future. 
  • Preparation: Your therapist will thoroughly discuss what to expect during EMDR and introduce you to the different eye movements you will be using. Your counselor will make sure that you can manage the emotions that arise for you and have you partake in a Safe/Calm Place exercise. 
  • Assessment: The next stage activates the memory that will be targeted in the session by identifying the image, cognition, affect, and body sensation associated with your trauma. Two measures will be used to get a baseline of your experience, which will be repeated at a later time for comparison. 
  • Desensitization: You will be focusing on your identified memory while engaging in eye movements. You will share any new thoughts you experience with your counselor. This is repeated again and again until you find that the memory is not as distressing as it was before. 
  • Installation: This stage focuses on strengthening your preferred positive cognition.
  • Body Scan: During this stage, you will be asked to pay attention to your physical response while thinking about your trauma and your positive cognition so that you can identify any other physical symptoms you’re experiencing. If there are places in your body where you’re experiencing distress, additional procedures will be done. 
  • Closure: This occurs when your time together is coming to an end. If you were unable to fully process your memory, your counselor will review healthy coping skills that you can use to manage your distress until your next session. 
  • Re-evaluation: Your next session will start here, where your counselor will assess your current symptoms and experiences, in addition to exploring new memories that have come up since your previous session. 

EMDR Therapy Information and Statistics in the U.S.

What Is The Difference Between “Talk Therapy” and EMDR?

A key difference between psychotherapy, or “talk therapy”, and EMDR is that EMDR is a structured therapy, that follows a set format, whereas psychotherapy can be a bit fluid. Psychotherapy can include various therapies including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, and holistic therapy, among others, whereas EMDR is its treatment in and of its own. 

Psychotherapy focuses on exploring and processing your current and past experiences, whereas EMDR focuses specifically on trauma, more specifically a specific memory that you find distressing. EMDR uses eye movements or bilateral stimulation to help your brain in a natural healing process, which can decrease the distressing symptoms often associated with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health conditions.

Common Types of Mental Health Disorders Treated with EMDR

Though EMDR was originally developed to treat trauma, continued research has indicated that it is an effective treatment approach for various mental health concerns. It is important to note that there are personal differences that determine if this is the right therapeutic approach for you. Examples of mental health conditions that could benefit from EMDR treatment include:

Standard EMDR 


EMDR for Anxiety 

EMDR for Depression

EMDR for Substance Abuse

More Information About BCBS Health Insurance

Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) originated in the 1920s as separate health insurance plans: Blue Cross, which provided hospital services, and Blue Shield, covering physician services. They merged in 1982 to form BCBS. Over decades, BCBS has grown to serve millions, earning numerous accolades for quality healthcare coverage and innovation in the insurance industry.

BCBS offers various products and services that are often customizable, allowing you to choose healthcare plans that align with your healthcare needs while respecting your budget. Commonly used BCBS services and products include family and individual plans, as well as employer-sponsored plans for employees. BCBS offers a range of comprehensive coverage options including dental coverage, vision coverage, prescription drug coverage, and behavioral health options including treatment for both mental health and substance use disorders.

Blue Cross Blue Shield logo

Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Cover EMDR Therapy

Yes, Blue Cross Blue Shield often provides coverage for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy for mental health conditions including PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Coverage can vary by plan, so it’s important to verify specific benefits and requirements with your individual BCBS policy. In some cases, preauthorization or a referral from a primary care provider may be necessary.

BCBS often includes mental health services within its broader behavioral health coverage, which often includes a range of therapies that can be used to treat mental health conditions, including EMDR. If you have specific questions or are still wondering what BCBS covers for EMDR with your plan options, we encourage you to dial (866) 461-4474 today to speak with an Admission Counselor at the Harmony Health Group

Does BCBS insurance pay for EMDR therapy?

Yes, BCBS insurance typically pays for trauma therapies, including EMDR. This allows you to receive EMDR therapy benefits at a reduced cost, which can decrease some of the financial concerns you have about treatment. Your plan may require co-pays, deductibles, and session limits.

Your coverage for EMDR with BCBS may require certain conditions to be met, such as an appropriate mental health diagnosis from a licensed mental health professional and prior authorization. If you would like to discuss the personal details of your insurance plan, and how they would relate to receiving EMDR therapy, we encourage you to contact the Harmony Health Group and verify your insurance so that we can provide you with more answers to the common question of, does Blue Cross Blue Shield cover therapy with specific insurance plans.  


Mental Health Treatment Centers That Take Blue Cross Blue Shield Coverage Near Me

The Harmony Health Group is a prominent mental health treatment provider along the East Coast, with several rehabs that accept Blue Cross Blue Shield coverage. Within our different treatment facilities, we have mental health professionals who specialize in the use of various evidence-based approaches, including EDMR. Call (866) 461-4474 to learn about eye movement therapy options near you!

Harmony Health Group Centers in Florida (FL) for EMDR

Harmony Health Group Centers in Massachusetts (MA) for EMDR

Harmony Health Group Centers in North Carolina (NC) for EMDR

Harmony Health Group Centers in New Jersey (NJ) for EMDR

Harmony Health Group Centers in Tennessee (TN) for EMDR

Harmony offers a multitude of locations up and down the East Coast for behavioral health services. Call us to learn about our facilities and treatment options.

How Much Does EMDR Therapy Cost Out of Pocket?

The costs for trauma recovery with EMDR treatment are dependent on a few factors, including the use of insurance coverage, the location of your treatment facility, and the credentials and experience of your treatment provider. The cost of individual sessions tends to fall between $100 to $250, with a total price of treatment costing between $800 and $2,000.  

While the total cost of treatment may feel overwhelming, may treatment providers offer payment plans, or payment assistance options like a sliding scale fee, for individuals who do not have health insurance. This can help make receiving the treatment you need more affordable, decreasing the barriers that you face regarding accessing appropriate mental health treatment.

How Much Dose EMDR Therapy Programs Cost With BCBS Insurance Coverage?

Now that we have answered the question of does Blue Cross Blue Shield covers EMDR, let’s move on to discussing what BCBS covers for EMDR treatments. BCBS plans offer individualized coverage options that can provide varying rates of coverage. Because of this,

it is challenging to say what your out-of-pocket cost would be for EDMR without knowing individual characteristics. 

In most cases, EMDR therapy sessions can cost between $100 to $250 per session, for sessions lasting one to two hours. EMDR therapy occurs over the course of several sessions, which can also vary per person, modifying your overall cost of treatment. Another factor that could impact the cost of care is if your provider charges per session, or per hour, for therapy. 

How Much Dose EMDR Therapy Programs Cost With BCBS Insurance Coverage?

Now that we have answered the question of does Blue Cross Blue Shield covers EMDR, let’s move on to discussing what BCBS covers for EMDR treatments. BCBS plans offer individualized coverage options that can provide varying rates of coverage. Because of this,

it is challenging to say what your out-of-pocket cost would be for EDMR without knowing individual characteristics. 

In most cases, EMDR therapy sessions can cost between $100 to $250 per session, for sessions lasting one to two hours. EMDR therapy occurs over the course of several sessions, which can also vary per person, modifying your overall cost of treatment. Another factor that could impact the cost of care is if your provider charges per session, or per hour, for therapy. 

How To Check Blue Cross Blue Shield Coverage Levels for EMDR?

Verifying your coverage is often easier when you have found an EMDR treatment provider to work with. You can do this by searching for “EMDR near me that accepts Blue Cross Blue Shield” and reviewing your generated list. Once you have a treatment provider in mind, you can contact them directly for help verifying your coverage. 

The Harmony Health Group has worked to simplify this process for you so that you can access the care you need quicker, and with less difficulty. To begin, you can complete our online insurance verification form and dial (866) 461-4474. After verifying your coverage, we can help you understand the breakdown of your out-of-pocket expenses so that you are informed before beginning treatment. We will also inquire about the need for prior authorization, and provide BCBS with the appropriate documentation or information they need to process this request. Contact us today to get started! 

How To Get BCBS Pay For EMDR Treatment?

Now that we have answered the question of what BCBS covers for EMDR treatment, we can discuss the claims process. After your insurance has been verified, and you have decided to move forward with treatment, your treatment provider will begin submitting medical claims for the various stages of your EMDR treatment process for reimbursement.

If your BCBS plan requires prior authorization for services, your treatment provider will track the number of sessions you have received and obtain a new authorization if your original does not include the full scope of your care. Depending on the details of your plan, you may be required to pay for your out-of-pocket expenses at the time of service in the form of a copayment or deductible. This is a question during the verification process so that you can budget accordingly and get in contact to start your free assessment.

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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Statistics in the United States

  • EMDR is an effective treatment option for those struggling with depression and trauma, with a 95% confidence level according to one study
  • Studies have indicated that EMDR is more effective than medications that are often used to treat PTSD and depressive symptoms
  • EDMR can be more effective in treating co-occurring PTSD and depression when compared to CBT.
  • Approximately 90%  of those who have a history of one trauma were in remission from their PTSD after 3 EMDR sessions, one study
  • Another indicated that 77% of Veteran participants no longer experienced PTSD symptoms after completing 12 EMDR sessions
  • EMDR is endorsed by several prominent organizations including the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), The World Health Organization (WHO), The American Psychiatric Association, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense 


Get in touch with Harmony Health Group to find out about our rehab admissions process, free assessment, treatment options or to check your insurance coverage levels. Your first step to recovery starts here!

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