Harmony Health Group Provides Mental Health Disorder Treatment

Harmony Health Group is here to extend a compassionate hand, offering mental health and substance abuse treatment across our welcoming facilities in Florida, Massachusetts, North Carolina, New Jersey, and Tennessee. We’re committed to providing a sanctuary for healing, where everyone can access the support they need, embracing therapy and counseling services designed to empower and uplift.

We understand concerns about the cost of mental health treatment can be a significant barrier to seeking help. This is why Harmony Health Group is dedicated to making care accessible and affordable, accepting a wide range of health insurance policies and offering multiple
flexible payment options for those without coverage. Whether you’re curious about the average cost of DBT therapy, how much TMS or ABA therapy costs without insurance, or the cost of residential mental health treatment, we believe that financial constraints should not stand in the way of your wellness journey. Our mission is to improve the health and happiness of our communities by breaking down these barriers, ensuring that no one has to navigate the path to recovery alone.

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You can see what treatment is available to you by calling us at: (866) 461-4474

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What is Mental Health Rehab Treatment?

Mental Health rehab treatment can be used to describe inpatient programs for individuals who are struggling with their mental health. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, and what led to you getting help, your care can take place in a hospital or a private setting. Inpatient programs provide you with support around the clock to help you stabilize.

Once you have reached a point where your care providers feel as though you are safe and can cope with leaving the program, you may then begin developing a personalized discharge plan, which can include continued treatment. This may include Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP),  Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP), routine outpatient treatment, or a residential treatment program. Continued mental health treatment is ideal because it provides you with continued care and support as you learn to cope with and manage your mental health symptoms. 

Statistics on Mental Health Disorders

We’re here to listen. Let’s talk today.

How Much Does Mental Health Treatment Cost Without Insurance?

Mental Health services costs can vary widely, for several reasons. Outpatient care programs tend to be significantly less and can range from a few thousand to $10,000. The most expensive treatment options are often inpatient care and hospitalization programs, ranging from a few thousand dollars to over a half million per treatment episode.

Some of the reasons for these fluctuations include treatment for specific mental health concerns. As an example, individuals who are experiencing a manic episode, likely need inpatient care and medication management. Whereas, someone who is experiencing mild depression or anxiety may find improvement after a few weeks of talk therapy therapy sessions. The average inpatient mental health stay cost is often greater than outpatient care programs. Specialized treatment options that utilize therapies like EDMR, CPT, or ACT, may increase the average cost of therapy sessions because of the training and experience the clinician is required to have to facilitate treatment. 

How Much Is Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Treatment?

The Tufts Medical Center referenced research indicated that on average, Americans with major depressive disorder spent around $10,836 in healthcare costs in 2016, whereas a similar individual living without depression spent an average of $4,584. There will, of course, be a significant difference in the price of treatment based on the care you receive and your specific symptoms. 

How Much Is Anxiety Disorders Treatment?

The average cost of therapy without insurance for individuals who have anxiety can vary greatly. Anxiety disorders, such as phobias, often require specialized treatment options that can increase the cost of your care. Research from 2009-2010 estimated that the annual costs associated with anxiety disorders were $1,657.52 at the time. The cost of treatment may have fluctuated since that time. 

How Much Is Bipolar Disorder Treatment?

There is no simple number to provide as the cost of bipolar treatment, because of the variations of bipolar disorder. As an example, one study reported that the average cost for a single manic episode was approximately $11,720. Individuals who experience multiple manic episodes may find their treatment costing over $500,000. The cost of care is also influenced by pharmacotherapy.  

How Much Is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Treatment?

Treatment costs for ADHD vary widely, similar to other mental illnesses. Many individuals benefit from the use of psychotropic medications and psychotherapy programs which focuses on behavioral changes. Some individuals prefer one method over the other, which will make a difference in their healthcare costs. Research from 2005 indicated that the average annual cost for ADHD treatment programs ranges between $4,929 to $5,651. 

How Much Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Treatment?

The American Psychological Association reported that the average cost for PTSD treatment is $19,640 for most Americans and that the cost for Veterans is approximately $25,684. These estimations include the cost of care, as well as unemployment services that individuals may receive. 


Mental Health Centers That Offer Payment Options

The cost of treatment can be overwhelming, especially for those who are experiencing financial hardships as a result of their mental illnesses. In an attempt to reduce the financial barriers to mental health treatment, the Harmony Substance Abuse Recovery Group treatment facilities offer payment plan options for those who are uninsured. Continue reading to find a treatment center near you!

Rehab Facility in Florida

Rehab Facility in Massachusetts

Rehab Facility in North Carolina

Rehab Facility in New Jersey

Rehab Facility in Tennessee

Harmony offers a multitude of locations up and down the East Coast for behavioral health services. Call us to learn about our facilities and treatment options.

Average Cost of Outpatient Mental Health Care

The average price of outpatient mental health care can vary widely based on where you are within the United States, your mental health needs, the severity of your symptoms, and the use of specialized treatment. The Tufts Medical Center shared that outpatient care for mental health concerns can contribute to approximately 14% of an individual’s annual healthcare costs. 

The cost of therapy is a common barrier among individuals within the United States. For many, this prevents them from getting the care and support they need for their mental health concerns. The Harmony Health Group is mindful of this fact and offers cost-effective mental health resources by working with major insurance companies and providing payment plan options for individuals who do not have health insurance. By verifying your insurance in the form above, you can gain insight into your out-of-pocket costs for mental health treatment.  

Average Cost of Couples Therapy and Counseling

Couple during a therapy session.

Similar to other forms of counseling, you can expect to see a range in the cost of therapy for couples. The cost of couples counseling is dependent on the clinician’s educational background and clinical experience. Prices for couples counseling can range from $100 to $500 per session. However, they often fall within the middle of that range. 

Couples counseling can include various forms of counseling including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), emotionally focused therapy (EFT), solution-focused therapy (SFT), and positive psychology therapy.

These approaches can be used to help couples resolve their conflicts, improve communication, and reintroduce intimacy into their relationship. 

How Much Does Mental Health Therapy Cost Without Insurance

We have mentioned that the affordability of mental health care is often influenced by the therapeutic approach and intervention strategies that are being used. These therapies typically require education and experience further traditional psychotherapy education and are viewed as specialized treatment options. 

Cost of EMDR Therapy

Cost of TMS Therapy

Cost of ABA Therapy

Cost of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cost of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Does Insurance Pay For Mental Health Services?

The simple answer is, yes! Since the introduction of the Affordable Care Act, all health insurance plans must cover essential mental and behavioral health services. Therefore, insurance companies must provide some form of coverage for counseling, psychotherapy, inpatient hospitalization services, and substance abuse treatment.

We would like to note that while insurance companies must provide you with coverage, there are variations in the amount of coverage that they provide. Additionally, you may see differences within your copay, deductibles, coinsurance, and exclusions detailed in your plan. 

How To Pay For Mental Health Treatment If You Don’t Have Insurance

HRCNC Facility

Many people seeking help for their mental health concerns find solace in using their insurance benefits for care. If you’re uncertain about what your healthcare plan coverage levels in terms of mental health treatment or substance abuse treatment, we warmly invite you to reach out to us at Harmony Health Group. Our team is here to assist you in clarifying your coverage details, ensuring you can embark on your journey to wellness with confidence and peace of mind.

We at Harmony Health Group understand that not everyone has the benefit of insurance when they find themselves in need of mental health and substance abuse treatment. If concerns about the average cost of mental health treatment or how to afford the necessary care are weighing heavily on your heart, please know that we’re here to support you. Our admissions counselors are ready to have a compassionate conversation about payment options that could be suitable for your situation, helping to ease the burden of worry and open the door to the support you deserve. We hope that with our support, you can focus on your health and wellness without the worry of how to pay for your treatment. Dial (866) 461-4474 now to learn more.

Mental Health Disorders Statistics and Studies

  • The National Alliance on Mental Illnesses reported that 1 in 5 adults experience a mental illness annually
  • An estimated 1 in 20 American adults experience a serious mental illness annually
  • 1 in 6 youths, between the ages of 6 and 17, experience a mental health illness each year
  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death for adolescents in America between the ages of 10 and 14
  • The most common mental health concern among American adults is anxiety, followed by depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, OCS, and schizophrenia, respectively
  • Less than half of adults living with a mental illness received treatment in 2021
  • Approximately half of adolescents with a mental health disorder received treatment in 2016
  • 10.6% of American adults living with a mental illness had no health insurance
  • An estimated 19.7% of U.S. Veterans experience a mental illness in 2020
  • Approximately 9.6% of active service members experienced a mental health or substance abuse concern in 2021
  • Depression and anxiety disorders have a global impact, totaling a loss of $1 trillion in productivity annually
  • Approximately 1.1 million adults in New Jersey are living with a mental health concern
  • 42.2% of New Jersey residents were experiencing depression or anxiety symptoms in February 2021
  • An estimated 260,000 individuals living in Massachusetts are living with a serious mental illness
  • NAMI estimated that 1.469 million adults living in North Carolina were living with a mental health condition, and an estimated 356,000 residents were living with a serious mental health condition
  • Approximately 231,000 adults in Tennessee did not receive appropriate mental health treatment in 2021, 38.5% identified the cost of treatment as the barrier preventing them from accessing care
  • Approximately 2.88 million adults in Florida are living with a mental illness, 648,000 of them are living with a serious mental illness


  • Bessonova, Leona et al. “The Economic Burden of Bipolar Disorder in the United States: A Systematic Literature Review.” ClinicoEconomics and outcomes research : CEOR vol. 12 481-497. 7 Sep. 2020, doi:10.2147/CEOR.S259338 
  • “By the Numbers: Examining the Staggering Cost of PTSD.” American Psychological Association. Accessed January 12, 2024. https://www.apa.org/monitor/2023/01/staggering-ptsd-costs#:~:text=%2425%2C684,direct%20health%20care%20and%20unemployment.
  • “Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.” Behavioral Research Therapy Clinics. Accessed January 12, 2024. https://depts.washington.edu/uwbrtc/about-us/dialectical-behavior-therapy/
  • Hodgson, Robert et al. “Intensive behavioural interventions based on applied behaviour analysis (ABA) for young children with autism: A cost-effectiveness analysis.” PloS one vol. 17,8 e0270833. 16 Aug. 2022, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0270833
  • Nunez, Kirsten. “TMS Therapy: What It Treats, Benefits, Side Effects, and Costs.” Healthline, January 20, 2021. https://www.healthline.com/health/tms-therapy#costs. 
  • Matza, Louis S et al. “A review of the economic burden of ADHD.” Cost effectiveness and resource allocation : C/E vol. 3 5. 9 Jun. 2005, doi:10.1186/1478-7547-3-5
  • “Mental Health by the Numbers.” National Alliance on Mental Health. Accessed January 12, 2024. https://www.nami.org/mhstats
  • Shirneshan, Elaheh. “Cost of Illness Study of Anxiety Disorders for the Ambulatory Adult Population of the United States.” UTHSC Digital Commons. Accessed January 12, 2024. https://dc.uthsc.edu/dissertations/370/#:~:text=The%20annual%20overall%20direct%20medical,93%25%20of%20the%20overall%20cost
  • SusannaKaufman. “EMDR Therapy Indicated as the Most Cost-Effective Trauma Treatment.” EMDR International Association, November 13, 2023. https://www.emdria.org/blog/emdr-therapy-indicated-as-the-most-cost-effective-trauma-treatment/
  • Ross, Eric L et al. “The Cost-Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Versus Second-Generation Antidepressants for Initial Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder in the United States: A Decision Analytic Model.” Annals of internal medicine vol. 171,11 (2019): 785-795. doi:10.7326/M18-1480 
  • “The High Cost of Mental Disorders Facts for Business Leaders.” Tufts Medical Center. Accessed January 12, 2024. https://secureservercdn.net/  

Get in touch with Harmony Health Group to find out about our rehab admissions process, free assessment, treatment options or to check your insurance coverage levels. Your first step to recovery starts here!