How Does a Meth Detox Work?

Understanding Meth Detox 

Methamphetamine addiction can cause significant disruption to your life. It is a highly addictive substance that can be difficult to stop on your own. In fact, some users become addicted after using methamphetamine only a few times. A crystal meth detox might be necessary to fully cleanse your body of this powerful drug.

In this article, you will learn:

  • What a meth detox is
  • About the meth detox process
  • Symptoms of meth withdrawal

What is a Meth Detox?

Meth detox is the process you undergo when stopping crystal meth use. This process often involves an addiction treatment center and medical supervision. The truth is that if you stop using without any type of assistance, there are high chances you will experience withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms might even be more severe if you try to stop cold turkey than they would be if you were on a medically supervised detox program. In addition, meth users will experience intense cravings during the detox process. These cravings can be so strong that some users choose to relapse rather than going through withdrawal again.

The Meth Detox Process

The process of detoxing from meth is quite complicated and should be handled by professionals only. Detoxing from meth can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on how long the user has been dependent on it. The process can be uncomfortable. Many users feel the need to use even while in detox. This makes it very important that you have the support of medical and professional staff.

Using a medically assisted detox program helps patients avoid many of the uncomfortable aspects of this process. They tend to be more comfortable and effective than attempting a meth detox on your own. Also, using a treatment center can help facilitate some of the follow-up care you might need after you leave detox and check into rehab.

The first step in any crystal methamphetamine detox is to stop using the drug altogether. Another important step is to rid the body of the chemicals that are left behind after withdrawal. Detoxing from meth frequently involves a series of steps that can be difficult to handle when you stop using without assistance. The initial withdrawal process is the hardest and most nerve-wracking.

Medical and Psychological Treatment

A full meth detox usually involves a combination of both medical and psychological treatment methods. Medical detox is often necessary to manage the physical effects of stopping use. Psychological treatment can assist with the mental aspects that might be contributing to your addiction. A comprehensive program will typically include therapeutic activities like behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) , dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and more.

Medically Supervised Meth Detox

If you choose a medically supervised meth detox, a team of seven people will help you get through the process. This team will include physicians, registered nurses, drug counselors, and other healthcare professionals.  If you experience adverse withdrawal symptoms or become dehydrated, your detox team can step in and help you get through the first difficult days. Also, they can monitor your vital signs and ensure that you have a safe detoxing experience.

A typical medically supervised crystal meth detox takes five to seven days. During this period, most patients take medications to manage the withdrawal symptoms and make it through the first few days. For example, patients might take anti-anxiety drugs or medication to help with insomnia and depression. These medications are not addictive and will not interfere with your drug rehab program once you complete detox.

Symptoms of Meth Withdrawal

Symptoms of methamphetamine withdrawal start 24 hours after that last dose of the drug. Some symptoms of meth withdrawal include:

  • Insomnia
  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoia
  • Increased hunger
  • Severe mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

Detoxing will help ease these symptoms and get the user back to normal as soon as possible. It takes around 50 hours for symptoms to resolve during a meth detox.

What is Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?

The term “acute withdrawal syndrome” refers to the painful and uncomfortable symptoms that result from stopping meth use. Acute withdrawal may start several hours after the last dose of meth and last for 2 or 3 days. However, some of the symptoms can linger for up to a month or longer. The severity of these symptoms depends on how long you have been dependent on crystal methamphetamine.

Contact Harmony Health Group to Learn More

Harmony Health Group offers comprehensive care for those struggling with substance abuse and mental health issues, with facilities located in Florida, Massachusetts, North Carolina, New Jersey, and Tennessee. Our treatment programs address not only drug and alcohol dependency but also anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. By accepting insurance from major providers like Aetna, Cigna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and United Healthcare, we aim to make our services accessible to many. Additionally, we provide private pay options for those without insurance, so you can discuss the cost of various treatments with us directly.

Our dedicated team is committed to guiding each individual towards lasting recovery through a combination of proven methods and personalized care. At Harmony Health Group, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to rebuild their lives and achieve mental well-being. Don’t hesitate to reach out and learn more about our diverse treatment options. Your path to a healthier, more fulfilling life starts with taking that first step, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

A crystal meth detox is often necessary for people who are addicted to the drug. It can be uncomfortable, but it is possible to get through the process and recover physically and mentally. It is important that you seek out help as soon as possible. A comprehensive meth detox program will help ease some of the conflicting symptoms that come with stopping crystal methamphetamine use. Plus, they will be able to provide you with medical treatment if you experience any harmful side effects during your withdrawal period. Contact Harmony Health Group to speak with a member of our team for help today.